A reality star is forced to show her true face after her daughter uncovered a heavily edited photo

A reality star is forced to show her true face after her daughter uncovered a heavily edited photo (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram @jeanakeough)

Jeana Keough, one of the original stars of the reality show Real Housewives of Orange County, had to show her true face after sharing an extremely edited photo.

In a photo alongside Chip McAllister, star of the show Amazing Race, she was almost unrecognizable after heavily using beauty filters. “I remember when he started. I am so proud of him!” wrote 68-year-old Jeana in the caption of the post.

However, Kara, Jeana’s daughter, didn’t accept the excessive editing of the photo and asked her mother to remove the post. In the comments, fans supported Kara’s viewpoint and urged the reality star to be more transparent.

A reality star is forced to show her true face after her daughter uncovered a heavily edited photo

(Photo: Reproduction/Instagram @jeanakeough)

“Stop using filters – you are beautiful,” said one follower. “Jeana, we love you, but what is this filter?” asked another. “Come on! She’s going too far with this filter,” said a third user.

After the followers’ reactions, Jeana removed the photo and reposted it, showing her true face. “There’s my girl,” commented Kara. “Much better! Much more real and beautiful as you are!” said another fan. “Now this is a beautiful picture,” noted another.

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